Arnold Friend Based Serial Killer

Arnold Friend Serial Killer

In the story “Where are you Going, Where Have you been?” Joyce Carol Oates tells us about a fifteen year old girl named Connie. Connie is confronted by a young man who is trying to persuade her to take a ride with him. He introduces himself as Arnold Friend and kindly asks her to come with him but she refused. He then threatens Connie and her family. She is then forced outside and leaves with Arnold Friend. Arnold Friend clearly symbolizes the devil through his physical traits, his knowledge of Connie, and his power over her kind of like he was hypnotizing her to go with him. First, Arnold Friend’s physical traits portray him as Satan. Oates says that “There were two boys in the car and now she recognized the driver: he had shaggy, shabby black hair that looked crazy as a wig and he was grinning at her,” (Oates 316). The hair could actually be a wig hiding something that he didn’t want someone to see. Maybe he was hiding his devil horns. Also when he was standing Connie had mentioned that “He was standing in a strange way, leaning back against the car as if he were balancing himself” (Oates 317). This could be because his feet are not feet but hooves, like the devil would have. Secondly, Arnold Friend knows a lot of information about Connie, her friends and family. It is strange that he could just stare off into space and know exactly what someone else is doing at the very moment in time. When Connie tells him that her father will be home soon he says, “‘He ain’t coming.

Women have no agency, no vehicle, no wheels. It's not coincidental that Arnold Friend's golden convertible is part of his magic. Skip to content. Introduction: “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”. Given our human predilection for horror, ‘the fascination of the abomination’.... For the writer, the serial killer is. Get an answer for 'What are the similarities between Arnold Friend in 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? ' and serial killer Charles Schmid?' And find homework help for other Where Are You. Arnold friend loosely based on a real serial killer. Oates's fiction is known for its exploration of dark psychological themes, including the motivations for violence, and exploitative or abusive relationships, as well as its vivid use of both popular culture and idiomatic American speech. 3) ESSAY QUESTION Produce a clearly written. Arnold Friend’s golden car may be a reference to this. But golden vehicles have also appeared in other places in history, most notably the golden chariot belonging to Hades in Greek and Roman mythology. Since Arnold is based of a serial killer, comparisons to the Greek lord of the dead don’t seem that far off. The Pied Piper and Bob Dylan – Context for “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn In May of 1964, a young woman named Alleen Rowe disappeared from her home in Tucson, Arizona.

Serial Killer Fbi Based Serial Killer Profile

The insidiousness nature of such evil is further bolstered by the fact that Arnold Friend was based on a real-life serial killer Charles Schmid, a.k.a. “The Pied Piper of Tucson,” who murdered three teenage girls and buried them in the desert in the early 1960s. Read an in-depth analysis of Arnold Friend. Ellie - A friend of Arnold’s. When Arnold drives up to Connie’s house, Ellie stays in the car, listening to music and watching while Arnold talks menacingly to Connie.