COMO CONVERTER PS3 BACKUPS CFW PASTA PARA PKG - EXPLOIT 3.0 - Super Slim / Slim DESBLO. 3.0 - Duration: 19:50. JOAO_PSX 113,909 views. Como converter ps3 backups cfw pasta para pkg - exploit 3.0 - super slim / slim desblo. 3.0 Play Download: COMO CONVERTER PS3 BACKUPS CFW PASTA PARA PKG - EXPLOIT 3.0 - Super Slim / Slim DESBLO. NewsInside > Artigos > PS3 / PS4 > Jogos da PSN crackeados j. Jogos de PS3 para '.pkg'. Fui Passar um jogo em PKG no Meu PS3 Desbloqueado V 3.55 pela pasta citada ai. Baixar stella em pkg para ps3. Baixar Jogos para PS3 Gr. Download De Jogos Ps3 Pkg? Games, Jogos, Torrent, Download Jogos Para PC. Baixar Jogos de PlayStation 3. Download De Jogos De Ps3 Em Pkg? Download De Jogos Em Pkg Para Ps3? PS3 Cheats Editor + PS3Usercheat PKG para Playstation 3. Download PS3Usercheat PKG para Playstation 3. Download Pack com 60 jogos da PSN Torrent PS3 Pacote com PSN. Mais um Pack de jogos da. PC PS1 PS2 PS3 PSP Wii X-BOX360 Animes — V Baixar Jogos para PC, Jogos para PC.
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PKG Linker v1.0
Yet another up and coming @DeViL303 and @pink1 project
Here is our PKG Linker app to serve packages from PC to your PS3.
Not only the start of our companion app(s) for HAN Toolbox it also works on CFW without HAN Toolbox.
Having trouble?
Please read the troubleshooting before asking questions.
Como Jogar Jogos Pkg Ps3
What does it do?- Scans the program folder for pkg's, extracts the icons & creates a package_link.xml.
- Creates a pkg with a package_link.xml to remove the need for putting a new xml on the usb.
- Patches category_game.xml to look for package_link.xml & add pkg folders in package manager.
- Comes with a portable Apache HTTPD server and sets it up to host your pkg's.
- One click mode to scan, create the files & start the server.
- Manual mode scans the folder, lets you select the pkg's you want, export the files, patch category_game.xml & start/stop the server.
You can host with your own server but no one click mode or start/stop the server.
I was rushing and forgot to thank the amazing @habib for his PS3xploit resigner
PKG Linker 2.0 out now!!
via @DeViL303: If you are on Windows 10 then you might need to do this as it has a service that uses port 80:- Go to Start, type in services.msc
- Scroll down in the Services window to find the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
- Right click on it and select Stop.
Troubleshooting and info by @DeViL303
As its the first version there may be bugs so use at your own risk, we need feedback from the community.
While what it does is complicated, Usage is simple, watch the video and if you have any questions ask away
If you are having issues, please check your server is working by entering a pkg link from package_link.xml into your PS3 web browser.
Some things to note:
If you have a wifi adaptor AND lan enabled at the same time the app or the apache/xampp could pick up the wrong IP.
Error meanings:- 404 error means a server is running on correct IP, but maybe link is bad, file not exist, or win 10 users have to stop a service using port 80, try change port using below instructions.
- 400 error means server is running, can be a port issue, port used by other app etc. try change port
- 80029567 Means HAN Enabler not ran, debug installer ran by mistake, or pkg not signed or corrupt.
- 80710092 Server error, If I shut down my server I get this error. See
- 8071053D Unknown, possibly port problem, connection refused etc
- Install xampp, run it, click the top start button for apache, (make sure no other webservers are running on same port first)
- Put packages and pkg linker exe into the c:xampphtdocs folder
- Run pkg linker, say no to using built in webserver.
- Go to PS3 and run HAN Enabler and then try refresh list
- If it downloads the new Package_list.pkg then Reboot , run HAN Enabler again and try install a pkg
- Best if you do this with pkgs that you 100% know work via USB, for testing.
You are better off connecting cable directly or at least running wired through router. Wifi will not work great, if connecting directly you will have no DHCP for giving out IPs, so you will need to do this:- enter manual IPs on both devices, can be anything but must be in same range
- so for example fake gateway ip for both =, PS3 = and PC =
- make subnet mask the same for both =
- Rescan with app and then Install Package_List.pkg again manually via USB after any port or IP change on the server.
Changing Port in App- From the app folder go to binApacheHTTPD_PHP_PortableDataconf then open httpd.conf with notepad++.
- Now go to line 52 it should read 'Listen 80'
- change it to 'Listen 8080' or some other unused port and save.
- next open open PKG Linker and in the ip box after your ip put :8080 (should look something like this ).
- Now under file click 'save list pkg and xml' and start the server.
- You will need to rescan with the app and then manually install the Package_List.pkg via USB the first time after you make changes like this, port, IP, path etc.