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Well after a number of years (and several years without updates), ModHub has finally run it's course.

It was an enjoyable adventure from 2011 to around 2015, with over a million downloads and several hundred mods available. Downloads were still occurring right up until it met it's demise slightly earlier this year.

Thank you for all the support over the years; to everyone who submitted and created mods, all of the people who helped with the community, to everyone and anyone who downloaded a mod. None of it could have been achieved without your help.


Personally I am continuing with my studies, moving from; college, to university, and now a fully funded EngD for the next four years. In my personal time I'm developing my own game, utilising virtual reality (such as the HTC Vive and Daydream).

If you're interested in following my work, you can reach me via my personal website at https://rory.games.

- Rory

ModHub.org 2011-2017

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5000 results found, page 1 from 500 for 'kill marks in cf'
[CF] Kill Marks Pro King Blue Lighting Wing (415.38 KB)
[CF] Kill Marks Pro King Blue Lighting Wing
Source title: Kill mark - free search & download - 1020 files
CF Kill Marks Mod 1 1 (3.72 MB)
CF Kill Marks Mod 1 1
cf kill marks (1.98 MB)
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CF Kill Marks Mod 1 1 (5.12 MB)
CF Kill Marks Mod 1 1
Kill marks (4.19 MB)
Kill marks
Source title: Crossfire kill marks 채ndern - YouTube
Kill Marks By Fusion (911.08 KB)
Kill Marks By Fusion
Source title: Kill mark - free search & download - 1020 files
Kill Marks Velho Oeste (354.74 KB)
Kill Marks Velho Oeste
Source title: Kill mark - free search & download - 1020 files
Kill Marks BR (168.11 KB)
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Kill Marks Ice Cold (316.7 KB)
Kill Marks Ice Cold
Source title: Kill mark - free search & download - 1040 files
Kill Marks Changer (1.88 MB)
Kill Marks Changer
Source title: Kill mark kill - free search & download - 1035 files
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