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Mount the image file GIII_FSG_EE.iso using the emulator cd / dvd drive Set the game After a successful installation, the game is ready to launch Features: Do not cut, do not recoded. There is a patch Community Patch Team v2.0.17414.16 Added a Russian voice lipsync of the English version Added German and English voice. Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods. But the patch (1.75.14) is only for the main game Gothic 3 and not for Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods, So the workaround is still needed for FSG. Btw last patch for Forsaken Gods is 2.01! Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods Enhanced Edition v2.01 Patchfree full. download.
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Download Gothic Complete Pack + Arcania Gold Edition torrent or any other torrent from PC category. Direct download via HTTP available as well. Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods Enhanced Edition Patch v2.01. Patches the Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods enhanced edition to version 2.01. Two years after the phenomenal success of Gothic 3, this additional episode offers a new glimpse into the amazing world of Gothic.