Book Name: Tazkiratul Auliya Urdu
Writer: Hazrat Sheikh Farid Ud Din Attar
Free Urdu Pdf Novels
Overall a must read book for people interested in history. Pdf free download of Tazkira tul Aulia is available. This Urdu book contains about four hundred pages. The eBook file size is 46 Mb. This book is also called tazkiratul awliya bangla pdf. Fariduddin attar pdf In spite of its significance for world literature and the study of religion, Attars. Fariduddin attar books in urdu Muslim Saints And Mystics - Tazkira Tul Awliya Fariduddin Attar The Love of the.
Urdu Pdf Novels Free Download
Hazrat Shaikh Farid Ud Din Attar is the author of the book Tazkiratul Auliya Pdf. He was a famous Sufi saint and a scholar of Islam in the 12th century. Shaikh Farid Ud Din was a poet, biographer, and historian also. He lived in Nishapur and spent his most of the time in seeking knowledge and teaching of Islam.
When the Tatar invaded the Nishapur, Farid Ud Din Attar fought against them and got martyrdom. He believed in Jihad Fi Sabeel Lillah and offered a practical example of that.

Tazkira tul aulia urdu tul Aulia remembers those Tazkira tul aulia in urdu tazkirs, saints and razkira. E-Books for Download: TAZKIRAT UL AULIA. J Arberry and 58 episodes are translated by me. Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay tazkira tul auliya urdu pdf poor-rate while they bow.
The book Tazkiratul Auliya Pdf is a very famous book by Fareed Ud Din Attar. The book is an account brief of the life history of earlier Saints of Islam. Tazkiratul Auliya contains the lifecycle of Junaid Baghdadi, Abubakar Shibli, Fazail Bin Ayaz, Siri Saqti, Ibrahim Bin Adham, etc.
The author gave us the information about the teachings of that saints. The authentication of the book Tazkiratul Auliya pdf is that the author of the book is also a saint. He collected the data from reliable sources. The original text is in Arabic, and the following book is an Urdu translation. I hope you will find the book Tazkiratul Auliya pdf useful.
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